Lions Office
Kirkonkyläntie 10
2nd floor
00700 Helsinki
Opening hours
Telephone hours are 13–15.45 Monday to Wednesday and 9-12 Thursday to Friday.
Lions Clubs International, MD 107 Finland
The Association of the Finnish Lions Clubs (MD 107) was established in 1960. The multiple district takes care of comprehensive training, information services, Lions Quest, annual common fund raising activities and other services for our members.
In every Finnish community there is at least one Lions Club giving service. About 17 000 lions in over 800 clubs and 14 districts serve their communities, arrange national activities and campaigns and participate in the programs of Lions Clubs International. About 20 procent of the members are female. The first Lions Club was founded in Helsinki in 1950. Since then MD 107 – Finland has grown to the largest service NGO in the country.
One out of every 200 Finns is a Lion.
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Sivua päivitetty viimeksi 31.8.2023